Gray was nice enough to provide a recipe for a sweet potato pound cake that looked scrumptious. I was glad to find the perfect occasion to give it a try, a pumpkin-carving party hosted by our friends Jim and Colleen last night. Jim and Colleen were nice enough to provide dinner and deal with the gobs of pumpkin seeds and guts that we scooped and piled all over their kitchen table.
This cake took quite a while to prepare because of the need to roast the sweet potatoes, mash them, and wait for them to cool. The batter was a pretty orange color and the cake smelled wonderful as it baked. The cake rose quite a bit in the oven and came out looking beautiful (I left a small portion it devoid of nuts for Colleen, who has a nut allergy). I had a suspicion that the cake would go well with ice cream, and since I didn't have enough time to make any (if I had, I would have made maple ice cream), Jim was nice enough to pick up some vanilla ice cream at the store.
Recipe: Missy G's Sweet Potato Pound Cake, from All Cakes Considered: A Year's Worth of Weekly Recipes Tasted, Tested, and Approved by the Staff of All Things Considered by Melissa Gray.