On the Fourth of July, Tom and I had dinner with my friend Dorothy and her family. The dinner that her parents and aunt and uncle prepared of steaks, corn, and Caprese salad was delicious! Going along with the Fourth of July theme, I decided to bring two desserts that would provide a red, white, and blue finish to our meal. First, I made the White Chocolate Patty Cake. I fell in love with this cake the last time I made it, and plus, after years of baking for Dorothy and having a pretty good feel for her food likes and dislikes, I was sure this cake was right up her alley.
I also decided to use up some blueberries by making a Lemon Blueberry Tart. I found a recipe for "Cornmeal-Crusted Lemon Tart" in In the Sweet Kitchen by Regan Daley. The recipe includes a blind-baked cornmeal crust that is filled with lemon curd, which is poured into the crust while hot and allowed to set at room temperature. A note at the end of the recipe suggested a blueberry variation, by reducing the amount of curd in half and topping the tart with 2 to 3 cups of fresh blueberries. I really like the epicurious.com recipe for blueberry tartlets with lime curd, so I figured that this should be pretty similar.
I was a little doubtful that the lemon curd would set at room temperature, but it did firm up nicely and the tart was quite a sight to behold after it was covered with fat, beautiful blueberries. The crust stayed nice and crisp, and the cornmeal gave it an interesting texture. The tart didn't look so great after it was sliced and served; predictably, blueberries started rolling everywhere, and although the curd was set, it did not cut cleanly. Still, the lemon curd was tart and delicious, and the sweet blueberries were the perfect match.
I was very happy with my red, white, and blue treats!
I was very happy with my red, white, and blue treats!
- "White Chocolate Patty Cake" from Baking with Julia by Dorie Greenspan.
- "Cornmeal-Crusted Lemon Tart" from In the Sweet Kitchen by Regan Daley.